We are very pleased to honour two (external) employees with a special award this year:
Stefan Müller and Slim Hassoumi
10 years of freelance work at MS POS
Stefan Müller supports MS POS with his knowledge of networking and technology. He is significantly involved in designing installation concepts and responsible for installing and supporting POS systems together with his team worldwide.
Slim Hassoumi takes care of our international, especially French speaking customers and is responsible for installations, commissioning and training.
Normally we honour our jubiless in a small round of people in a relaxed atmosphere. But because everything is different in 2020 and nothing can take place as usual, we have decided to move the small ceremony to our office in Willich. Unfortunately, without a handshake and with keeping distance - we have great thanks for their engagement and loyalty regarding our company.
Because of the present situation it wasn`t not possible for Slim Hassoumi, who is based in Tunisia, to come to Germany and join the round. But what was possible, we could connect him virtual to our ceremony and he really appreciated that gesture. Bouquet and certificate will be handed over with the next possibility.
Stefan and Slim - we are looking forward to continue our good cooperation and wish you all the best in the future!