
The POS system - tailored to your needs - everything is possible

POSsible ist ein eigenständig entwickeltes Kassensystem für den spezialisierten, filialisierten Einzelhandel. Esist konsequent modular , the latest version is SaaS-based.
For many years, POSsible has proven itself in various customer projects. Whether classic retailer, trade fair company, amusement park, mountain railway or ship, outlet store or large garden market - to almost all requirements and challenges we can say: "Yes, this is "POSsible".

Dieses Kassensystem wurde von Anfang an modular entwickelt. Individuelle Abläufe lassen sich einbinden, ohne den Kern der Applikation zu verändern. So kann fast jeder Kundenwunsch berücksichtigt werden. Die Oberfläche ist komplett ohne Restriktionen frei gestaltbar. Der Kunde erhält alle Vorteile eines Standardsystems wie z.B. Update- und Releasefähigkeit, neue Funktionen und Updates. In Kombination mit einem fast komplett individualisierten System, schlank und ohne unnötige Umwege mit einer herausragenden Performance auf Supermarktniveau und einer offenen Architektur.

For many retailers, the internal processes are individual and specific, both in terms of the shops and checkout. The optimal coordination of these processes forms an essential part of the company's success. Should these be retained or perhaps adapted even more individually to modern requirements? A standard product would have to be redesigned at great expense and would no longer be capable of being released or updated.

What makes POSsible stand out

POSsible is the result of more than 20 years of experience in user practice and in-house development.
This enables you to:

  • customise plugins and user exits
  • freely configure cash register interfaces
  • have individual receipt and report layouts
  • access interfaces to real-time information systems and Power BI
  • use individual merchandise management and financial accounting interfaces
  • maintain connection to web portals & webshops
  • take advantage of customised mobile solutions

When POSsible fits best

POSsible is the right solution for you if your company meets one or more of these requirements:

  • active in the DACH region
  • has a branch office
  • already works with a central ERP system and is looking for a separate independent retail/checkout system
  • operates in specialised retail
  • ERP-system/merchandise management

Why is POSsible the perfect POS system for you?

As a customer, you get exactly the functionalities you imagine for your business and your requirements. Completely equipped with your own special user interface. If your processes change, future requirements can be implemented easily and cost-effectively - because POSsible is a modular system. The SaaS platform reduces maintenance and increases security. POSsible still remains release and update capable.


POS system POSsible

- our own development -

After the acquisition of F&G by MS POS in early 2021, the POSsible logo received an update to match MS POS's corporate design.


Milestones in the development of POSsible

Start Entwicklung Kassenlösung …

... POSsible based on Microsoft Windows NT 3.0.

Launch der ersten filialfähigen Komplettversion …

... for retail and hospitality (self-service restaurant + fine-dining) on ocean-going ferries in checkout and table service operations

Sonderlösung Großdiskotheken (Eintritt + Gastronomie) …

... with connection to dispensing systems, introduction of touchscreen input

Offizieller Vertriebsstart mit POSsible …

... as a standard solution at the Cebit in Hanover as a partner of OrgaSoft from Mainz, equipping of the first department stores with POSsible

Erweiterung um Stockmanagement …

... and ERP functionalities

Sonderlösung für ein internationales Ticketverkaufssystem …

... used for passenger ship fleet as well as car ferry service on Lake Constance

Erweiterung der Retail-Funktionalitäten …

... with a cash & carry trade module

Erweiterung der ERP-Funktionen …

... to include mobile solutions (stocktaking, warehouse logistics)

Branchenlösung Kassen- und Abrechnungssystem …

... for leisure and indoor amusement parks (ticketing, restaurants, shops, snack bars)

Erweiterung der Lagerlogistik …

... and integration of a catering accounting module as well as mobile waiter terminals in the course of the introduction of POSsible at a large caterer at the Düsseldorf trade fair

Implementierung Dualscreen-Unterstützung …

... (cross-selling)

Großkantinenabrechnungssystem mit SB-Kassen, …

... with self-service checkouts, credit card system (RFID) with connection of self-service recharging stations and coffee, beverage as well as vending machine systems

Integration von Kontingentverwaltungs-, …

... reservation and charter functionalities in the area of maritime solutions

Erste integrierte, hauseigene Webshoplösungen …

... and web-based modules

Integration komplexer Cross-Selling- …

... and discount functionalities (multi-dimensional mix & match etc.)

Speziallösung mobiles Ticketverkaufssystem …

... system for car ferry operation with credit cards and web shop on Lake Zurich

Integration Loyalty-Bonus- und Gutscheinkartensysteme …

... in both retail and hospitality

Erweiterung der Ticketverkauf-Funktionalitäten …

... to include a mobile ticket debiting system and connection of SKIDATA admission control systems (barrier systems, turnstiles)

Ergänzung des Ticketverkaufssystems …

... to the ticket sales system for passenger ship fleets

Zertifizierte Waagenintegration …

... with PTB approval

Erweiterung Gastro-Funktionalität …

... for "Kanban" restaurant operation with kitchen control system

Launch der ersten SaaS – Version …

... with cloud application, realised as mobile cash register and customer advisory system on tablet basis

Mensa-Kassensystem mit Guthabenkarten …

... with credit cards (RFID) and self-service charging stations

Ticketverkaufssystem für touristische Buslinie …

... and capacity planning module, with mobile admission control and ticket validation system, self-service ticket vending machines, designed for high customer volume

Entwicklungsstart “POSsible new generation”

... fully-fledged SaaS branch solution on the cutting edge of technology with a focus on the retail segment

Vertriebsfreigabe für die neue POSsible Version …

The prototype is ready - in a new design and architecture that can be extended as needed and offers simple solutions for update and release capability "on the fly".

„Customers want to differentiate themselves from the competition and stand out in the courtship of the customer. Therefore, individual processes at the point of sale are necessary. Standard POS solutions are now far too cluttered and inflexible. This is where POSsible's is the best fit solution: a modular system from which customers only choose what they need. This allows us to react individually to customer requirements.
POSsible is therefore the ideal addition to our portfolio!“
Konstantin Gergianakis, CEO MS POS

The main information about POSsible at a glance
Technologie - POSsible

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Module - POSsible

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Schnittstellen - POSsible

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Projekte - POSsible

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MS POS - Kassensysteme für Retail und Gastronomie